17. 내용 협상과 트랜스코딩

  • HTTP provides content-negotiation methods that allow clients and servers to make determination about which version of the document to send by the server, English or French.

  • A single URL can correspond to different resources.

  • These different versions are called variants.

  • Servers can automatically generate customized pages.

    • WML

    • transcodings.

Content-Negotiation techniques

  • three distinct methods for deciding which page at a server is the right one for a client.

  • present the choice to the client - client-driven negotiation

    • client makes a request, server sends list of choices to client, client chooses.

    • easiest to implement.

    • adds latency.

  • decide automatically at the server - server-driven negotiation

    • server examines request headers and decide what version to serve.

    • q-value mechanism, Vary header

    • server might have to guess.

  • ask an intermediary to select - transparent negotiation

    • a proxy cache does the request negotiation.

    • offloads the negotiation from the server.

    • no formal specifications.

Client-Driven Neogitation

  • server sends back a response listing the available pages and let the client decide.

  • easiest to implement at the server.

  • two requests are needed.

  • two ways for server to present the choices

    • sending back HTML document with links to the different versions of the page.

    • 300 Multiple Choices

  • Client may popup a dialog window for a user to choose.

  • This method requires multiple URLs.

    • www.joes-hardware.com/english, www.joes-hardware.com/french

Server-Driven Negotation

  • let the server decide which page to send back.

  • two mechanisms that HTTP servers use to evaluate the proper response

    • examine content-negotiation headers

      • Accept headers.

    • Varying on other headers.

      • User-Agent header

Content-Negotiation Headers

  • Accept - media types

  • Accept-Language - languages

  • Accept-Charset - charsets

  • Accept-Encoding - encodings

  • similar to entity headers.

  • Content-negotiation headers are used by clients and servers

    • to exchange preference information

    • to help choose between different versions of a document.

  • clients must send their preference information with every request.

  • reduces latency with the back-and-forth communication in client-driven model.

  • Spaniard requests, then English or French?

    • guess or fall back to client-driven.

    • you can use quality values(q values)

Content-Negotiation Header Quality Values

  • Accept-Language: en;q=0.5, fr;q=0.0, nl;q=1.0, tr;q=0.0

  • q values can range from 0.0 to 1.0

  • the order are not important, only q values are.

  • server may change or transcode the document to match the client's preference.

    • Q. google translate

Varing on Other Headers

  • Server can attempt to match up responses with other client request such as User-Agent

    • remove JavaScript from the page if not supports

  • Caches must attempt to serve correct "best" versions of cached documents

    • Vary hjeader tells caches which headers the server is using to determine the best version.

Content Negotiation on Apache

Transparent Negotiation

  • intermediary proxy negotiate on behalf of client.

    • move the load of server-driven negotiation away from the server.

    • minimize message exchanges with the client.

  • server must be able to tell proxies what request headers the server examines - Vary header.

  • Caching proxies can store different copies of documents accessed via a single URL.

    • the caches can negotiate with clients on behalf of the servers.

    • also great place to transcode content - can trascode content from any server.

      • Q - modern web examples?

Caching and Alternates

  • caches must employ much of the decision-making logic that servers do.

    • choose correct document to serve.

  • Accept headers to decide which cached response to send back.

Figure 17-1

  • Cache should check Accept-Language header to send back correct response.

  • if cache doesn't have spanish version, should forward the second request to server, and store both the response and an "alternate" response for that URL.

  • two different documents for the same URL - variants or alternates

The Vary Header

  • Q - Accept 헤더의 앞부분에 있을 수록 우선순위가 높은 것일까?

  • if servers are using other headers to make their decisions, caches must know.

  • the Vary header lists all of the client request headers that server considers.

    • if served document depends on User-Agent, Vary must include it.

  • before cache can serve document to the client, it must see whether the server sent a Vary header in the cached response.

    • if present, header values in the new request must match the header values in the old, cached request.

  • caches must store both the client request headers and the corresponding server response headers with each cached variant.

  • Vary: User-Agent, Cookie

    • the number of User-Agent and Cookie values could generate many variants.

    • cache would have to store each document version corresponding to each variant.


  • when a server does not have a document that matches the client's needs at all?

  • may have to respond with an error, but may be able to transform one of its existing documents into something that client can use. transcoding

Format conversion

  • transformation of data from one format to another to make it viewable by client.


  • different from content encoding or transfer encoding.

    • latter two are used for more efficient or safe transport of content.

    • the former is used to make content viewable on the access device.

Information Synthesis

  • the extraction of key pieces of information from a document.

  • generation of an outline of a document based on section headings, removal of advertisements, and logos from a page.

  • categorizing pages based on keywords in content

  • Q. vs og-tags?

  • Q. modern web technologies to handle these?

Content Injection

  • may increase the amount of content.

  • automatic ad generators, user-tracking systems.

    • has to be dynamic - be relevant, target for a particular user.

Transcoding Versus Static Pregeneration

  • build different copies of web apges at the web server.

  • not a very practical technique

    • any small change in a page requires multiple pages to be modified.

    • more psace is necessary to all the different versions.

    • harder to catalog pages.

    • ad-insertion cannot be done statistically.

      • increase latency in serving content - computation for on-the-fly transformation.

      • can be done by external agent(proxy, cache)

  • Q. vs SSR?

Next Steps

  • performance limits

    • searching through many variants for appropriate content.

    • trying to guess the best match.

  • straming media and fax

    • client and server need to discuss the best answer to the client's request. - not HTTP.

    • can a general content-negotiation protocol be developed on top of TCP/IP application protocols?


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